October 18, 2022

5 Helpful tips to push through burnouts

My husband was diagnosed with same cancer the second time, three months after his last cancer treatment. Unfortunately, the prognosis wasn’t so promising.

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Since then, my motivation has dwindled on some days. To say that it’s been challenging is an understatement.

This week my husband was diagnosed with Respiratory Syncytial Virus, also known as RSV. He caught it from one of our kids that brought it home from school. It’s that cold/flu season again. Unfortunately, my husband’s immune system is compromised, so he quickly gets sick. Though the rest of us recover a lot quicker than he does, any illness tends to linger around for much longer than we’re used to since it gets passed around several times before it goes away.

That means my husband, who caught RSV from one of my other schoolkids, must have passed it along to someone else in the home. You probably guessed that much already. Unfortunately, RSV was passed to my toddler, who has been sick for about three days.

I have been mentally drained, physically tired, and not feeling good. It has been three whole days/nights of no rest. The doctor has seen both, and thankfully, both oxygen levels are normal. The downside of this virus (or any other virus, for that matter) is that there isn’t much you can do but let it run its course.

Another unfortunate incident is my poor husband caught shingles that lasted for about three weeks. His recovery was about two weeks before catching RSV. So, as you can see – as the caretaker and the matriarch of this family- it’s been exhausting and mentally draining.

How do I push through these challenging times?

Many people are familiar with our family situation, and many have complimented me on my strengths. Yet, each time I hear those compliments, I wilt because deep down inside, I don’t feel strong. If I could be honest, lately, I have felt depleted, especially on those sick days when sleep is a thing of the past.

But on those quiet nights, when I’m alone, I can recognize my blessings and be grateful for them. My beautiful seven kids and another day with the love of my life- how can I stay angry and unmotivated about life?

I have been working on five things – five tips that I use religiously to keep me pushing. It helps me when I feel like you’re falling into the trenches on those rainy days.

Here are five things I tried that work.

5 Helpful tips to push through burnouts

#1. Start the day with prayer or meditation

This part doesn’t come easy. There have been more days like this lately where I am asking if God can hear me cry, and even though some of those days are quiet- there is some spiritual sense and affirmation I get throughout my day that He hears me.

Through His tender mercies, he sees me through and renders me the strength I desperately need and is required of me to push through so that I can attend to all my duties and tasks that day.

I realize there are spiritual preferences and that not everyone believes in God- but meditating is similar to prayer. In addition, meditation can help ease stress and mend the chaos.

#2. Be grateful for the small moments

It’s easy to get lost in a hole when life beats you down, but if you could take a moment to find a quiet space to remember your blessings and appreciate them- I promise you – the difference it makes in your day would be remarkable.

You may ask how one can count your blessings when you’re in such a dark space in your life- it takes practice. But trust me, I get it. I am told to pray about everything, but some days, I don’t want to. Some days I want to crawl back into bed, shut the blinds and lock my door.

But there is always a part of your day when things quiet down and you get a moment to yourself – that is the perfect time to reflect and think about at least one good thing you have in your life. Maybe it’s your pet or a friend, or your partner. Perhaps a good meal. Whatever that good thing is – take it in, breathe it in and enjoy that moment if it’s just a split second.

Every time I get the chance to count my blessing and reflect on the good things in life, it pushes me through. The spirit of gratitude tells me, “I can do this!” Everyone deserves to have that peaceful moment to themselves.

#3. Avoid Idling

Sometimes the best way to push through is by doing the essential thing you can think of, and often it’s as simple as just getting up and going.

Some days you might not have anyone to encourage you or motivate you to push through. Some days you only have yourself to rely on, and that only comes with so much push. The best way to get yourself out of your hole is by getting up and going.

Some days I find myself telling myself to do something other than sit. Bake or read. Take a warm shower or rinse your face with cold water. You may surprise yourself with how self-motivation can improve productivity and positivity and lead to less idling.

#4. Accountability

Hold yourself accountable. We often underestimate our mental strength and capacity to work through our hard times. If you can create a small and simple list for yourself and hold yourself accountable to mark those small tasks off, you will be surprised at how that simple list encourages you to keep going.

I learned that through the most challenging times, the only time I have ever gotten up was by looking at my list.

A great place to start is by creating a small and simple list. A good example is:

  • Make my bed
  • Think of 3 things you’re grateful for
  • Stay off of electronics in the mornings

Relatable: 5 Morning tips to help busy moms have a successful day

#5. Take time for yourself

Some of us have work ethics like robots- we never stop working. That is especially true for mothers. So why do we tend to burn ourselves out, and for what reason? I remember reading a mom’s article and how she gives herself grace in her day. Her idea of grace looks a little something like this:

  • The kids played in the sprinkler today. They showered.
  • The kids ate chips for dinner. They ate.

I couldn’t help but laugh at this mom because we go throughout our day thinking we must hit everything in the food chain and ensure the kids are perfectly bathed at night before bed. Why do we go to lengths to try to reach perfection? To get everything done? What is the sense of smashing through our daily list and losing our sanity?

At the end of the day, if our kids are happy, that is all that matters.

If we are having a bad day, week, or whatever, remember, there is only so much we can do, but the best thing we can do in that situation is given ourselves grace and sufficient space to allow ourselves to breathe.

We deserve that much.

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