October 18, 2022

5 Morning Tips To Help Busy Moms Feel Their Best

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The survey found that most new parents get between 5 and 6 hours of sleep each night. was read in an article from Healthline.com. Do you want to know why? If you guessed babies, then, well, you’re right, but that isn’t it.

It’s because we spend most nights worrying!

But about what, though? As mothers and parents, we put too much pressure on ourselves to get things done and give little grace where it deserves. After all, we’re not robots. We’re only human.

Sadly, parents unintentionally become accustomed to lousy morning habits since we’re always in a rush and trying to get everything checked off our list. But those habits set us up for failure mentally and physically.

Instead, create healthy and positive habits to set yourself up for success.

1. Fix your bed in the morning

When my husband was a Marine, he used to tell me how Marine beds would have to be made perfect. So I would ask what would happen if it weren’t, and he would say, “then we would get in big trouble.” So I would wonder why it was such a big deal. Then I learned it is the first step to creating a successful daily routine.

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I watched a video on youtube of a Navy Seal Commander explaining the importance of making their bed. He said, “The idea of making the bed is the same sense as discipline. It’s not just about throwing the covers over the pillow. It’s about making your bed right, walking away, and going – ‘okay, that’s good.’

I realized the practice of making my bed a priority in the morning is the first step to having a successful day. It helps me to get things done. It’s motivating. “By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.” – By Admiral William H. McRaven in the book called Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World

2. Take a little time for some TLC in the morning

It doesn’t take much time to give yourself a little TLC in the morning. YOU deserve a little TLC in the morning. Take some time for a quick and easy skincare routine. There’s nothing a little face wash, toner, and a good moisturizer can’t do.

The National Alliance Of Mental Illness article explains that it helps to boost your energy, productivity, and positivity. In addition, it’s a mood booster.

If you want to know how to have a Boss Mom morning, the secret is to get dressed. It’s not always about throwing on your clothes and running out. Instead, give yourself five minutes in the morning for yourself.

Here are some of my favorite skincare products:

3. Go for a walk

I read a study once that walking within the first hour of waking up drastically improves your mood and the positivity of the day. There are so many great health benefits besides losing weight. Wanna know the best part? It’s a fun, productive way to spend time with your littles.

My kids ride a bus to school. I have to walk them to the bus stop. Some mornings, when it wasn’t too hot, I would take my two-year-old son to walk the trails around our community. I realized I had the most done on those days. It doesn’t have to be extended. Thirty minutes a day is all that is recommended to improve your mental and physical health.

4. Never start your day on social media

Whatever you do, don’t start your morning off on social media. No matter how tempting it is to grab your phone when shutting off your morning alarm and then check your feed. Break that habit and instead put a glass of water next to your bed so that you remember to put your phone down and take that drink of water. That is what helps me remember to stay off the phone.

Social media can be so distracting, and it is also harmful. Instead, create a positive habit and set yourself up for success by avoiding social media in the morning.

5. Take small breaks throughout the day

What is the sense of getting everything done on your list and losing your sanity? Take breaks. I have always heard that when the baby nap, you nap. I hated that saying! I wanted to use that time to get as much done as possible, but I quickly realized that doing things that way only brought more misery and exhaustion.

I learned that to do my best as a mom and a wife to my family- I had to take care of myself, and taking care of myself meant that I needed to recharge my battery before I lost my mind.

Here are some things you can try instead:

  • Watch a show
  • Read a book
  • Listen to some music
  • Take a nap
  • Bake something
  • Meditate
  • Write
  • sketch
  • Kick your feet up and enjoy the silence

Some days we must turn a blind eye and ignore all the mess and the chaos. When it’s quiet- that is the best time to relax and recharge.

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